Reel-to-reel resources and insights
HiFi Journalist Ken Kessler is one of the most respected reel to reel aficionados in the world and not one easily impressed. Here are just a few of his findings after taking two RX Reels for review spin;
...the RX reels are among the mechanically best I’ve ever seen. When you remove them from the box, you sense the flatness, the precision, and—lo and behold!—in use they provide the most even take-up I’ve experienced
..the tape spooled to the same flat perfection you usually only see when you open up a factory-fresh blank tape. This is particularly reassuring with irreplaceable tapes.
RX Reels has recently gained attention by the industry press, and if you’re new to the site, you might be wondering what we’re all about.
Check out my interview with below, where I go into details about why I believe in my product, and how it came to be. What started as a personal journey to get the best sound quality possible while creating a visually beautiful product has turned into something so much more, and I’m excited to share that with others who feel the same way.
Anyone can go to one of the numerous used record stores and grab some great discs, however, it is not the same quality of sound as with reel-to-reel tapes that audiophiles crave.
Here is a look at both reel-to-reel audio tape recording decks and the tape reels themselves.